Its an HP touchsmart :D Look at the prettee designs... (*w*)

My old computer always made these funny buzzing noises, which was rather annoying. This new one is amazingly quiet. *sighs in awed bliss*
Now for the wordy review stuff.
The new laptop has a touch screen (aw-summmm) and it is actually very reactive to the finger or provided stylus, unlike some other laptops. The right-click command takes a bit more time to carry out than on a normal computer mouse, so in some cases, when working with the files and stuff, a mouse would be more efficient. But its awesome to draw with the stylus--much better than a normal computer. :D (1)
Also, the top screen can turn and lie flat like a tablet. <(*w*)> Tho, when I turn it, I have to wrestle with all the cables and such to turn it the write way. (*^*) But still, not bad. :D Also, when lying flat, the keyboard is covered, so you can write with your stylus. This little popup comes out at every text area, and you can write out the words and it would type it in. Also, if your handwriting is so unintelligable the awesome laptop cannot guess right, there's a keyboard you can click. Not as cool, but still.
Plus, there's a voice command thing-y! In the HP touchsmart central, a HP touchsmart exluuusive (itink) program that lets your organize pictures, videos, media, and the like, in the picture section you can use voice commands! (*o*) GASP. After going through a voice tester recognizer thing-y, you can use voice commands such as zoom in, zoom out, invert, straighten, add label. Aw-summmmm :D (2)
I am a happ-ay kitt-ay.
(1) Don't you just dislike drawing on paint or a drawing pad ap wth a mouse? It gets all wobbly and the picture turns out all funny.
(2) So far, I've only seen the voice command awesomeness in the picture section in HP touchsmart central. D: I like it for its novelty, not for its convenience. XD