This is the front:
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Cool Business Card
This is the front:
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
My Bro's Graduation
Look at the purdy decorations! Isn't it awesome...?
The theme was "Make a Difference" for the class of 2010. And those colorful things are handprints.
And the awesome arch-thingy..!
Although I wasn't there in person, I'm sure the promotion was awesome. :D
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Yes, this post is a bit late, but who cares!!?? I've been too busy celebrating. ;]
I'm freshman now! :D
Thursday, June 10, 2010
More kitties
Going swimming was like entering another world, where silence reigned supreme and you could hear nothing but the sound of bubbles as they rush past your ear. Silvery dapples on the pool bottom, the sunlight refracted by the undulating waves on the surface. The water was gentle and cool. There was warmth in the white sunlight. The expanse of water seemed to go on, with no end of the crests of water. On the edges, other swimmers dipped their feet in, getting ready to enjoy a swim.
The water rushed by you as you first dove into the water; you lose yourself in the silver bubbles until you break through and the water is clear and crisp in your eyes. There were moments when I forget to breathe, feeling so at peace underneath the water; but sooner or later the need for air brought me back up, done grudgingly, like the tug from reality away from a surreal fantasy. The water was a halcyon state of mind only achieved by giving up breath.
On I went, deeper into the murky waters, further into the crushing depths, silence pounding upon the still world. Bubbles, bubbles, millions of bubbles, tiny, large, ivory spheres; like sparkling snowflakes, and at their wake, glided the swimmer, like the goddess scattering dewdrops that float to the heavens. It made one feel very serene, very tranquil.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
School Life Diary
Welcome to my humble abode,
The window to my life.
Look within, and gaze upon the
and everything in between.
September 1st
The moment I step in,
I knew my vacation was over,
Here comes my personal hell.
Inside, I see so many others,
Were they shaking on the inside--Like me?
Inside my clammy palms,
Is my list of tortures to follow,
First Period: PE
Second Period: Science
Third Period: History
Fourth Period: Yearbook
Fifth Period: Math
Sixth Period: English
School, here I come.
Clothes to wear,
Rules to follow,
Passed out like candy to children.
Teacher introduces self,
Students follow,
Hello, nice to meet you,
Lies, all.
We walk in,but we don't sit down--
--inertia: what is in motion,stays in motion,
unless acted on by outside force--
We keep on walking,
No outside force,
Teacher is helpless.
I walk in,
Toward my own demise,
Walking corpse,
Like Pickett's charge.
I see the teacher,
Laughing, teasing,
Custer's last stand.
We are the crew who creates,
The book of the school,
I will have much to add,
My life, my voice.
My crew within the crew,
A friend,
An enemy,
One in the middle.
A maelstrom, a storm,
An amalgam of rush, hunger,
And hurry.
Hurry, to the line,
Or face starvation.
A personal hell,
Within hell,
What could be worse?
The teacher is sharp,
Has a calculating face,
I'm in for a ride,
And that isn't a hyperbola.
(see note)
The moment I enter,
I see I am alone,
In the corner of the room.
Others know others,
No others know me,
Like 'ain't' surrounded by good grammar.
Ain't that right?
A solitary friend,
I single out of the crowd,
We are two lone wolves,
Birds of feather.
We find comfort in each other,
Knowing we are alone in the crowd,
But not alone in each other.
After turmoil of school,
Do I find oasis in my own house?
No, for school has followed me,
In the guise of homework.
Piles and piles,
Unfitting for a first day,
Threatening to drag me under,
Unless I fish myself out.
Hyperbola: A graph (drawing)
Hyperbole: A figure of speech that exaggerates something
Note from ze Author: THIS IS STRICTLY FICTIONAL. But there might be a few allusions...